Evolving Role of Women in Physical Sciences


The event will begin with a short presentation on the recent history of women in physical sciences. A panel of undergrads, grads, alumni, and professors will speak about their personal experiences and what they think are the most important steps to get more women into physical sciences.Then there will be dialogue with the attendees, splitting into small groups focusing on how we can use education, actions, mindset, and policy to increase the representation and contributions of women in physical sciences.



Expand Your Horizons Conference

Expanding Your Horizons is an annual conference aimed to interest girls, aged 11 to 16, in science, math, and engineering. Participants attend talks, participate in hands-on workshops, and meet with women scientists and engineers. Group activities are designed to introduce the participants to other like-minded girls who are considering careers in science. Debby Tran and Melisa Tallis served as mentors at this year’s conference.

Link to Conference: http://www.eyhsandiego.org/index.htm

Fellow UWIP members, Melisa Tallis and Debby Tran, posing with the ACSSA club from UCSD at this year's Expand Your Horizon's Conference which was held at USD.

Fellow UWIP members, Melisa Tallis and Debby Tran, posing with the ACSSA club from UCSD at this year’s Expand Your Horizon’s Conference which was held at USD.

Take the Lead- GradWISE viewing party

Wed 2/18 ( 5 to 8 pm) –
Location: Structural and Materials Engineering Building, Room 248

Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics (CuWIP)

CUWIP, Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics,  is annual, national conference that provides females physics students with the opportunity to experience a professional conference, information about graduate school and professions in physics, and access to other women in physics of all ages with whom they can share experiences, advice, and ideas. UWIP has attended as group for the past 2 years, and hopes to continue to do so.


UWIP Talk with Professor Sharma



On February 20, UWIP hosted a talk with UCSD Professor Vivek Sharma on the search for the Higgs boson particle. Professor Sharma is an experimental particle physicist who is currently involved in the search for the Higgs boson at the Large Hadron Collider near Geneva, Switzerland. By smashing ultra-energetic protons and examining the resulting sub-atomic debris, he attempts to understand the fundamental constituents of this universe. After the talk, UWIP members had an opportunity to interact with professor Sharma at a personal level at Regent’s Pizza.

Link to Sharma’s research here: http://vsharma.ucsd.edu