UWIP Spring Quarter Events

Hi everyone,

UWIP have some exciting events for you all this quarter! Check them out!!!

Mentorship Program with GWIP 

Thursday, April 28th, 5:30-7:00pm, Mayer Hall 4322

We will be holding our quarterly mentor-mentee meetup, so come prepared to meet your mentor. If you do not already have a mentor, and would be interested in receiving a graduate student mentor to guide you through your undergraduate years in physics, you may still attend. There will be a short form for you to fill out at the event.

Talk by Professor Kim Griest

Monday, May 2nd, 4-5pm, Mayer Hall 4322

Are you interested in what our universe is made of? Are you interested in theoretical or observational astrophysics, or cosmological phenomena such as black holes? Then come along and meet Professor Kim Griest.

Professor Griest is primarily interested in dark matter and dark energy, but has also tackled on other issues in theoretical and observational astrophysics, such as using gravitational lensing to search for dim or invisible objects, and characterizing the early universe.

Python Workshop with Women in Computing (WIC)

Tuesday, May 3rd, Location TBD

We will be holding a joint workshop with the UCSD Women in Computing where you can either learn to program in python or hone your python skills. If you are interested in attending, please fill out this form:


Keep on the lookout for more details on these events!

Composed by Gretel Mercado
Published by Yijun Fang

UWiP Spring 2016 Office Hours

Hello everyone, UWiP is holding office hours next Thursday April 4th from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm! We encourage all of you to check out :] Feel free to invite your friends!!! Snacks will be provided. OH


UWIP 2016 Spring Quarter GBM

If you are an undergraduate Physics major, or are simply interested in meeting people who are interested in physics, come join the Undergraduate Women in Physics (UWiP) for our first general body meeting for this quarter!

Time: Monday, April 4th from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM

Location: Mayer Hall 3405

Mayer Hall

Dining With Professionals RSVP NOW LIVE!!!

Dear members of Undergraduate Women in Physics and anyone who is interested,

Do you want to have a great opportunity to network with professionals from Boeing, Pfizer, ThermoFisher and discuss any concerns you may have? Now is the perfect opportunity!

Event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/987693304644875/
Website: diningwithprofessionals.weebly.com
Registration: sasedwp.eventbrite.com

There will be a $5 admission fee at the door.

Hope to see you guys there!!!

Women in STEM Mixer

On April 10th members of UWIP, SWE (Society of Women Engineers) and WIC (Women in Computing) met for an afternoon of socializing over refreshments provided of the Women’s Center. We look forward to having more events like this in the future  as we strengthen our connections with other STEM groups around campus!

Professor Konopacky Talk


On Feb 23rd Professor Quin Konopacky, an astrophysics professor here at UCSD, gave a presentation on her research to UWIP members.  Her work in observational astrophysics focuses on star, planet, and solar system formation and evolution. Her work also involves taking direct images of exoplanets using adaptive optics techniques with ground based telescopes, resulting in images like the one above. Using adaptive optics enables researchers to study planets that are much larger and further away from their stars than can be done with other techniques.  If you would like to learn more about her research, you can visit her website here: http://dunlap.utoronto.ca/~konopacky/index.html

Alternative Careers in Patent Law


On February 19th Michelle Gross, a patent attorney and Professor of Practice at Arizona State University’s law school gave a presentation to UCSD physics, chemistry, and biology students on alternative careers in patent law that do not require a law degree. There, students had the opportunity to learn what about it means to be a patent lawyer, why patents lawyers are in such high demand, why scientists and engineers are so desirable for the position, and about the unique Master’s program offered by ASU (developed in part by Michelle Gross herself) that is designed to prepare students for careers in patent law and beyond.

CUWiP 2015 (UCSC)


Over MLK weekend a group of UWiP members traveled to UC Santa Cruz to attend the western regional Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics (CUWiP). The conference consisted of learning about cutting-edge physics research from both esteemed professors as well as undergraduate peers, panels about post-undergrad pathways into academia and industry, as well as chances to meet other other women in physics from all walks of life with whom attendees could share experiences, advice, and ideas.

This year’s CUWiP was also an invaluable learning experience as the club prepares to host the 2016 western regional CUWiP at UCSD. (WHOOOO!!!!!!one!!)

Keating Lab Tour

On December 5th UWiP members had the chance to tour Dr. Keating’s astrophysics lab on campus. Brian Keating’s labs researches the cosmic microwave background and were recently recognized for detecting b-mode patterns that support the existence of gravitational waves. You can read about that discovery here (http://ucsdguardian.org/2014/11/12/ucsd-researchers-collect-cosmic-microwave-data/) and you can read more on Professor Keating’s researchhere: http://physics.ucsd.edu/~bkeating/

Brian Keating and his wife are proud supporters of UWiP, and recently made a very generous donation to the UCSD UWiP Program. We are very excited to have him as a supporter and to have had the opportunity to tour his lab.